Latest Ponderings
Posted on 04 June 2014
So for those who take a keen interest in my work and wonder where my mind is at right now let me share the following insights -
Think a Drink - I'm currently in development of a prop less thought of drink revelation. In short the spectator is asked to think of a drink and you can tall them exactly what it is. Early indications are proving positive enough for me to explore this in more depth.
As soon as I have this to a workable standard I will be revealing more information on it.
Any Card at Any Number - It seems that any mentalist that is worth their salt has explored some sort of variation on this plot. After a recent night out with friends a flash of inspiration led to the creation of a new approach to this plot with a genuinely borrowed and shuffled deck.
Over the next few months I will be honing my findings in the hope of creating a rather devious take on this plot.
Propless Springboard - Whilst I have tackled this in the past (as a few friends have done) I have finally caught onto something that may be workable. Despite several failures I'm confident that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Watch this space...